If you are a business owner, entrepreneur or are self-employed you may well have a more complex financial position. Whilst focusing on building and running your business, you may struggle to give finances, particularly your personal finances, the attention they need.
Many business owners do not have adequate cover in place to make sure their business is protected. We can help you understand and quantify the risks as well as advising you on how to mitigate them potentially using:
- Shareholder protection
- Key man cover
- Business loan protection
- Relevant life cover (employee life insurance)
We can also provide advice on tax efficient ways to take money from your business and on business exit strategies.
All companies need working capital that is readily accessible as and when they need it, and a bank account is the perfect place for this.
What options are open to the business if these balances swell way past what is likely to be needed in the medium to long term? A question many directors ask themselves is whether the money is working as hard as it could be, or is it simply languishing earning a very small amount of interest?
There are many options available from overpaying debts to capital expenditure on premises to pension funding for directors. Another option is investing money in the company’s name.
However, with many options to consider from investment type/structure to risk level and tax consequences this option is complex. Our advisers are skilled and experienced in this area. They will spend time to get to know the business and the objectives of the investment to ensure the right strategy is put in place, plus keep it under review so it evolves as any business will.